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New posts in msbuild-4.0

MSBuild ItemGroup with condition

MSBUILD: Build Package including extra files

c# .net msbuild msbuild-4.0

Building C++ project on a PC with Windows SDK 7.1 but without VS2010

Create separate ClickOnce installs that can be installed together by changing assembly name with MSBUILD

How to split string by multiple characters in MSBuild 4?

msbuild msbuild-4.0

Problems with new build server

When you import another msbuild file, what is the order of evaluation?

How to check if a MSBuild-Task fails if using ContinueOnError=true

How to get all the metadata keys for any ItemGroup item?

How do I restore a property sheet to its default value?

How to append conditional compilation symbols in project properties with MSBuild?

c# msbuild msbuild-4.0

MSBuild Inline Task - Reference non-standard Microsoft assemblies

c# msbuild msbuild-4.0

Replace characters within an msbuild variable

msbuild msbuild-4.0

Copy bin files on to Physical file location on Post Build event in VS2010

MSBuild build order

msbuild msbuild-4.0

Build MSBuild target without dependencies

msbuild msbuild-4.0

error MSB4166: Child node exited prematurely. Shutting down

MSBuild deploy failing after upgrade to .NET 4.5