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New posts in mongoid

Migrating an Activerecord database to Mongoid

FactoryGirl belongs_to association

keys must be strings or symbols

Simple Mongoid Validation for create! - how to display error messages

Confused - spec_helper.rb:94:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant Shoulda (NameError)

How to log all request to rails console in Mongoid 5?

Simulating has_many :through with Mongoid

Sorting by number of elements in array of the document in mongo [duplicate]

mongodb mongoid

Mongoid, scope if a value is set?

Updating embedded document with Mongoid updates the parent document instead

Rails model with Mongoid Embedded and Standalone

Using a combination of ANDs and ORs in Mongoid

Is there a web server running in mongo?

How to save embeds_many relation in Mongoid?

ruby-on-rails mongoid

Mongo::Error::NoServerAvailable when running Rails app

How many BSON ObjectIds can a mongodb array field save

mongodb mongoid

How can I count the number of accesses/queries to database through Mongoid?

Carrierwave - Error when processing images

Pros and cons of using callbacks for domain logic in Rails

ruby-on-rails mongoid

Use LIKE/regex with variable in mongoid