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Mongoid has_and_belongs_to_many associations

Mongoid: How to prevent undefined fields from being created by mass assignment?

mongoid as_document error

ActiveSupport::Concern and extending mongoid model

CarrierWave save image to gridfs and upload in background s3

How to validate uniquness across models in MongoDB with Rails?

how to make has_and_belongs_to_many relationship work in mongoid

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Rename model with mongoid

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Issue with railscast# 238 , date_select not working with rails 4.

How do you write "(A OR B) AND (A OR C)" queries with Mongoid?

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Getting the last document of limited Mongoid query result and .count()

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How does Mongoid know the difference between string values and symbol values?

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mongoid group_by return a hashmap instead of array of hashes

How can I check the connection of Mongoid

Mongoid `group()` conditions

Rails with two different Databases

How to get a count in mongodb for approved users

mongodb mongoid

Querying embedded objects in Mongoid/rails 3 ("Lower than", Min operators and sorting)

How to skip callbacks on Mongoid Documents?

Mongoid Scope Check If Array Field Contains Value