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Mongoid embeds_many with default order

mongoid - using includes to select children objects in a 1..N referenced relationship

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Rails 3 find_or_create by more than one attribute mongoid

Foreign Keys and Mongoid

Mongoid criteria that returns nothing

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Integrate Mongoid and CanCan

Is it possible to specify what index a query should use in Mongoid?

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Grouping Mongoid Objects by Day

Get keys of a document in MongoDB Document

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how mongoid create index for test and production environment

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Making an entire model read-only with Mongoid

Exclude fields from document in mongoid?

Ruby on Rails 4: test nested resources with rspec not working

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How to tell whether a collection exists in MongoDB using Mongoid?

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Mongoid dynamic finder with Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound exception raised

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Key for mongoid model doesn't work

Unable to get a covered query to use index only in mongodb

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How do I perform a $geoIntersects query with Mongoid?

mongoid query collection where two columns are equal to each other

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Get all children of children and so on