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Grouping Mongoid Objects by Day

After much playing around in the console, I came up with this method to group activerecord-like (Mongoid) objects by the day on which they occured. I'm not sure this is the best way to accomplish this, but it works. Does anyone have a better suggestion, or is this a good way to do it?

#events is an array of activerecord-like objects that include a time attribute
events.map{ |event|
  # convert events array into an array of hashes with the day of the month and the event
  { :number => event.time.day, :event => event }
}.reduce({}){ |memo,day|
  # convert this into a hash with arrays of events keyed by their day or occurrance
  ( memo[day[:number]] ||= [] ) << day[:event]

=>  {
      29 => [e1, e2],
      28 => [e3, e4, e5],
      27 => [e6, e7],


like image 921
Adam Avatar asked Mar 30 '11 05:03


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How can you group by a particular value in MongoDB?

We can group by single as well as multiple field from the collection, we can use $group operator in MongoDB to group fields from the collection and returns the new document as result. We are using $avg, $sum, $max, $min, $push, $last, $first and $addToSet operator with group by in MongoDB.

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Accumulators are operators that maintain their state (e.g. totals, maximums, minimums, and related data) as documents progress through the pipeline. Use the $accumulator operator to execute your own JavaScript functions to implement behavior not supported by the MongoDB Query Language.

What is $$ root?

$$ROOT. The $$ROOT variable contains the source documents for the group. If you'd like to just pass them through unmodified, you can do this by $pushing $$ROOT into the output from the group.

1 Answers

After more thought and some help from Forrst, I came up with this:

events.inject({}) do |memo,event|
  ( memo[event.time.day] ||= [] ) << event

Apparently Rails monkeypatches Enumerable with a #group_by method that works like this:

events.group_by { |event| event.time.day }
like image 173
Adam Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09
