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New posts in metadata

Writing metadata to ALAsset

SharePoint 2010 - Connecting web parts to metadata navigation in document library

sharepoint-2010 metadata

Computing word, image, video and audio file counts in a scalable way?

How to copy the IPTC data from one image to another?

php metadata iptc

iPhone ImageIO not returning all metadata of picture

Why isn't it possible to refer to meta fields or methods in Java?

Dumping a complete Oracle 11g database schema to a set of SQL creation statements from a script

oracle11g metadata ddl

How can I get metadata for the current module in Angular 2?

How to get image detail from android.intent.action.SEND?

What is the best/a very good meta-data reader library?


Best practices to build a highly configurable software product

Write metadata to PNG image in .NET

Metadata for the image from library

JPEG file size markers, inserting bytes, IPTC metadata

Access file properties through PHP

php windows file metadata

Flex Metadata Compiler Extension in FlashDevelop tutorial

How to select column names dynamically in mySQL

mysql sql metadata dynamic-sql

Using WPF Imaging classes - Getting image dimensions without reading the entire file

Attribute.IsDefined doesn't see attributes applied with MetadataType class

When using <ui:composition> templating, where should I declare the <f:metadata>?