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New posts in metadata

What is the origin of __author__?

python metadata

What are some uses of Clojure metadata?

How do you embed album art into an MP3 using Python?

python mp3 metadata id3 albumart

Is there a way to alter column type in hive table?

hive metadata

Can matplotlib add metadata to saved figures?

python matplotlib metadata

Is it possible to add a description/comment to a table in Microsoft SQL 2000+

sql-server metadata

Is there a way to touch() a file in Amazon S3?

Should I resubmit the binary after replying to a metadata rejection?

From a Sybase Database, how I can get table description ( field names and types)?

sql metadata sybase sap-ase isql

What does "^:static" do in Clojure?

clojure metadata

Does PNG support metadata fields like Author, Camera Model, etc?

png metadata jpeg exif

Is there any way for the nameof operator to access method parameters (outside of the same method)?

c# metadata c#-6.0 nameof

How can I add OS X "tags" to files programmatically?

Not enough storage is available to process this command in VisualStudio 2008

How do I determine if a column is an identity column in MSSQL 2000?

sql-server tsql metadata

Clean out Eclipse workspace metadata

Symfony Make:Migration : The metadata storage is not up to date, please run the sync-metadata-storage command to fix this issue

EF Mapping and metadata information could not be found for EntityType Error

Adding attributes into Django Model's Meta class

Sqlite: adding COMMENT ON descriptions to tables and columns?

sqlite comments metadata