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New posts in id3

Mutagen : how to extract album art properties?

python image id3 mutagen

Change embedded image type in APIC ID3 tag via Mutagen

python mp3 id3 mutagen apic

Remove ÿþ from string

php id3

How can I stop mutagen automatically updating the ID3 version?

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How can I extract the album art from an MP3 ID3 tag?

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ID3 Decision Tree with Numeric Values

python id3 decision-tree

how can I get ID3 tags of my mp3 file with php?

php tags id3

How do I decode id3 metadata in a chromecast receiver app?

AudioFileSetProperty returning 'kAudioFileUnsupportedPropertyError (pty?)'

iphone ios audio id3

What is the "TPE1" KeyError?

python mp3 id3 mutagen

What happened to the "TagLib#" library?

c# mp3 id3 taglib-sharp

Read ID3 tags without downloading the whole file

php mp3 media id3

TagLib sharp not editing artist

c# mp3 taglib id3 taglib-sharp

Linux: Library to write ID3v2 data and cover art

php command-line mp3 id3

Does AVRCP 1.3 support album art?

bluetooth id3 avrcp

Access Music File Metadata in Powershell [closed]

Read ID3 Tags of Remote MP3 File in Ruby/Rails?

ruby mp3 id3

partially download a file with Javascript

How do I read album artwork using python? [closed]

python object mp3 id3