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How can I stop mutagen automatically updating the ID3 version?

When I tried to embed album art in an MP3, mutagen updated the ID3 tag to version 2.4 - which I don't want, because in ID3v2.4 my cell phone (which runs Windows Phone 8) and my computer can't recognize the tags.

Apparently, simply changing the mutagen.id3.version attribute doesn't work: the real version doesn't change.

like image 633
prehawk Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 07:12


1 Answers

There is a "v2_version" option in tags saving function, shown below.

import mutagen

It is also documented in help()


as below:

save(self, filename=None, v1=1, v2_version=4, v23_sep='/')

like image 94
cdarlint Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 07:12
