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New posts in file-properties

Adding custom/new properties to any file regardless of type and extension e.g. setting 'Author' on a .txt file

Delphi: How to SET(write) extended file properties?

Changing the File Creation Date in C++ using windows.h in Windows 7

How to edit mp3 file details (Delphi)

delphi mp3 file-properties

Access Music File Metadata in Powershell [closed]

Is it possible to set/edit a file extended properties with Windows API Code Pack?

How do I access "Details" ("Title", "Subject", etc.) of file properties in Perl or PowerShell script

Node JS - read file properties

Getting specific file attributes

Read extended image properties in c#

How can I get the BPM property of an MP3 file in a Windows Forms App

c# mp3 file-properties

Determining if a file has a digital signature in c# without actually verifying the signature

Missing data in Windows file properties dialog when opened by ShellExecuteEx

How can i see the assembly version of a .NET assembly in Windows Vista and newer (WIndows 7, 2008)?

How to access a file's properties on Windows?

How can I get the assembly last modified date?