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New posts in metaclass

Old-style classes, new-style classes and metaclasses

Interception messages in Squeak

Metaclass default argument value (Delphi 2009)

What is the standard docstring for a django model metaclass?

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Can python metaclasses inherit?

python-3.x metaclass

Python subclass method to inherit decorator from superclass method

Determine a class's metaclass in Python 3

python python-3.x metaclass

__call__ method of type class

python metaclass

Arguments of __new__ and __init__ for metaclasses

python python-3.x metaclass

Enhance SQLAlchemy syntax for polymorphic identity

python sqlalchemy metaclass

Make Singleton class in Multiprocessing

Nice print of python Enum

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Groovy's classX.metaClass.getProperty in scala

scala groovy dsl metaclass

Dynamically creating Django models with `type`

Python __call__() is this an implicit classmethod?

Common Lisp Multiple Metaclasses

common-lisp metaclass clos

How to get attributes in the order they are declared in a Python class?

python metaclass

Python - What does it mean for a Class to be callable?

python metaclass callable

How can I get the file name of the function that is passed to my decorator in python?

Given an instance of a Ruby object, how do I get its metaclass?