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New posts in mesos

Main differences between mesosphere and coreos

Migrate Marathon apps for mesos-slave graceful shutdown

mesos marathon

Mesos cluster fails to elect master when using replicated_log

marathon does not delete a docker container after destroying the job

docker mesos marathon

Accessing HDFS HA from spark job (UnknownHostException error)

Mesos real world use-cases


Kill a framework in Mesos


How to use volumes-from in marathon

How to pre-package external libraries when using Spark on a Mesos cluster

How to run a one-off task with Apache Mesos/Marathon?

mesos marathon

Spark shell connect to Mesos hangs: No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication

mesos mesosphere

Spark Streaming from Kafka has error numRecords must not be negative

mesos-dns, best practice for working with ports

Docker, CoreOS and fleet based deployments

docker mesos coreos fleet

Setting up a docker / fig Mesos environment

docker apache-storm mesos fig

Kill a single spark task

How to understand CPU allocation in Mesos?


Recovering from Consul "No Cluster leader" state

mesos consul

Can Mesos 'master' and 'slave' nodes be deployed on the same machines?

Standalone Manager Vs. Yarn Vs. Mesos