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can't create a Laravel project because mcrypt extension is missing

PHP: Warning mcrypt_generic_init(): Iv size is incorrect; supplied length: 12, needed: 8

php encryption utf-8 mcrypt

Data corruption: Where's the bug‽

Keeping secret key SECRET - within Android app.. any ideas

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Best approach to encrypt big files with php

php encryption aes mcrypt

Replacing mcrypt_encrypt using MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 with openssl_encrypt

php mcrypt php-openssl

Preparing for removal of Mcrypt in PHP 7.2

php openssl mcrypt php-7.1

PHP Mcrypt, how secure is it really? [closed]

php encryption mcrypt

Hash::make('password') returning different results at every call

mcrypt doesn't work in PHP 5.6 on windows/IIS

php extension mcrypt must be loaded

php magento ubuntu curl mcrypt

Error installing php5-mcrypt

Cannot install mcrypt with homebrew and php7.4

php macos homebrew mcrypt

Delphi DEC library (Rijndael) encryption

PHP - Replacing mcrypt_create_iv() with openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()

php openssl mcrypt

Mcrypt and base64 with PHP and c#

c# php encryption base64 mcrypt

Installing mcrypt with PHP on mac

php mcrypt

Cannot install mcrypt via homebrew OSX Yosemite

php macos homebrew mcrypt

Problem installing mcrypt on PHP 7.3.13 Ubuntu

php ubuntu-18.04 mcrypt

Why is mcrypt_encrypt() putting binary characters at the end of my string?

php encryption mcrypt