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Encrypted data in URLs

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Storing credit card details with mcrypt or GnuPG

php encryption mcrypt

mcrypt warning on update to php 5.6.2; Key of size x not supported

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Error: No available formula for php54-mcrypt on Mac OS X Mavericks

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Encryption in JavaScript and decryption with PHP

Issue with PHP mcrypt function

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What's needed for PHP's mcrypt_decrypt()?

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Encrypt by mcrypt and decrypt by openssl with mode CBC and cipher BLOWFISH

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How are my C# and PHP decryption methods different?

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How to decrypt a string with OpenSSL which was previously encrypted with mcrypt?

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AES in JavaScript that matches PHP's mcrypt

mcrypt performance

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Decrypting blowfish-ecb with nodejs crypto vs php's mcrypt

mcrypt encrypt adding s bunch of '%00' to end of string

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Why does something encrypted in PHP not match the same string encrypted in Ruby?

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How Can We Use GCM Mode Encryption in PHP?

Any Equivalent for mcrypt (in PHP) to use in Java?

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Moving from mcrypt with Blowfish & ECB to OpenSSL

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PHP 7.2 with mcrypt in Windows

php windows mcrypt php-7.2

LAMP Laravel ErrorException mcrypt_get_iv_size(): Module initialization failed

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