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New posts in maxlength

Restrict input to 5 characters if whole number or 8 characters with fraction

javascript input maxlength

On Windows, what is the maximum file name length considered acceptable for an app to output? (Updated and clarified)

windows filenames maxlength

A "long" GET request with many parameters

jquery maxlength "æ" or "ø" or "å" should count as two characters

Different maxlength validation of textarea with newlines in Chrome and Firefox

Groovy says my Unicode string is too long

In Swift 2.0 what is the maximum length of a string?

Excel Max Length of each column data

excel maxlength

How can I block further input in textarea using maxlength

javascript jquery maxlength

C#: Any way to get around the 260 character limit of a fully qualified path? [duplicate]

Is it possible to set a character limit on a TextField using SwiftUI?

Constraint length of Text in TextBox by its encoded representation

c# wpf xaml textbox maxlength

Textarea | val().length not counting "Enter/Line Breaks" in chrome

maxlength not working if value is set from js code

Setting MaxLength gives you error

Do Windows shortcuts support very long argument lengths?

Maxlength for Div and Span elements

html maxlength

input maxlength field on ajax form submission causes "Uncaught SyntaxError: unexpected token u"

IE10 Validation bug with maxlength and placeholder on textbox

How to find minimum, maximum length strings generated given a regular expression? [closed]