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New posts in maven-release-plugin

Incrementing Maven Project Version with Jenkins/Git

If Maven release:prepare fails, how to continue from the failed point?

How to override maven-release-plugin config in one child module

Creating a multi-module maven build and releasing individual modules independently?

Nexus could not find signature of project's pom.xml

maven release plugin with parameterized version

Using maven release plugin autoVersionSubmodules to increment Major version

Releasing a multi-module Maven project hosted in single Git repository

SCM URL of local GIT repo

Maven release fails due to git failure

Using maven-release-plugin with GitHub "You can't push to git://github.com/..."

Maven 3.0's "mvn release:perform" doesn't like a pom.xml that isn't in its git repo's root directory

Releasing multiple Maven artifacts when using nested Git submodules

Hudson and maven-release-plugin

maven release:prepare with NoClassDefFoundError while using git

How can I supply Maven release prepare information without prompts?

Fully automate release procedure with release+versions plugins

Passing arguments to Maven release build

Maven release plugin - SNAPSHOT project needed

ArtifactId is appended to SCM Url using Maven Release Plugin