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ArtifactId is appended to SCM Url using Maven Release Plugin

I have a master POM for all projects. The POM contains the following SCM part:


        <connection>scm:git:https://[email protected]/scm/${scm.repository.name}/${scm.project.name}.git</connection>
        <developerConnection>scm:git:https://[email protected]/scm/${scm.repository.name}/${scm.project.name}.git</developerConnection>


Now, I have a maven multi module project, this is the parent POM:



    <name>project FOO</name>


When executing the release plugin to release the master POM (first snippet), it works fine. However, when executing the release plugin to release the multi module project (second snippet), it fails, saying:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.5.3:prepare (default-cli) on project project-foo: Unable to commit files [ERROR] Provider message: [ERROR] The git-push command failed. [ERROR] Command output: [ERROR] fatal: remote error: Repository not found [ERROR] The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to [ERROR] access it.

In the logs, I can also see the repository URL.

For the working release of the Master POM, it uses

https://user:********@bitbucket.server.de/scm/tsu/maven-master.git refs/heads/dev:refs/heads/dev

For the non-working release of the multi-module project, it uses

https://user:********@bitbucket.server.de/scm/tsu/project-foo.git/project-foo refs/heads/dev:refs/heads/dev

It seems to append the artifact-ID of the project to the URL when releasing the multi-module project.

When copying the entire SCM section to the multi-module project and modifying it, it works. However, I only want to interpolate a single property in the master POM to avoid having to copy the SCM tags to every project.

Any help to fix this issue is appreciated.

like image 928
kevcodez Avatar asked Dec 27 '16 10:12


People also ask

What is the use of Maven release plugin?

The main aim of the maven-release plugin is to provide a standard mechanism to release project artifacts outside the immediate development team. The plugin provides basic functionality to create a release and to update the project's SCM accordingly.

What is Maven SCM plugin?

The SCM Plugin offers vendor independent access to common scm commands by offering a set of command mappings for the configured scm. Each command is implemented as a goal.

What is the use of SCM in POM xml?

Assuming that SCM has been configured in the pom. xml and the project directory is managed by a SCM, invoking the checkin goal in the scm will start the commit process for all configured sources in your pom. xml. The files should be added beforehand by an external scm client.

What does Mvn Release perform do?

release:perform will fork a new Maven instance to build the checked-out project. This new Maven instance will use the same system configuration and Maven profiles used by the one running the release:perform goal.

1 Answers

Maven version older or equals to 3.6.1

Since Maven 3.6.1 you can set the following in the pom parent :

<scm child.scm.connection.inherit.append.path="false"  
  <connection>scm:git:https://[email protected]/scm/${scm.repository.name}/${scm.project.name}.git</connection>  
  <developerConnection>scm:git:https://[email protected]/scm/${scm.repository.name}/${scm.project.name}.git</developerConnection>  

Maven version before 3.6.1

You have to redefine the scm in the children poms :

<scm child.scm.connection.inherit.append.path="false"
  <connection>scm:git:https://[email protected]/scm/${scm.repository.name}/${scm.project.name}.git</connection>  
  <developerConnection>scm:git:https://[email protected]/scm/${scm.repository.name}/${scm.project.name}.git</developerConnection>  
like image 197
Simple Learner Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10

Simple Learner