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New posts in maven-plugin

How to add a file to a war with Maven

maven-2 maven-plugin

How to call testng.xml file from pom.xml in Maven

Is there a way to capture user input in maven and assign it to a maven property?

How to execute a specific plugin/Mojo from a pom.xml programmatically?

java maven maven-plugin

Adding phases to the maven lifecycle?

Maven plugin compiles fine but can't find class during execution

java maven maven-plugin slf4j

Maven: Debug mode only for one plugin

maven maven-3 maven-plugin

Maven Plugin which transpiles ES6 to ES5 which uses Traceur or Babel

Determining Maven execution phase within a plugin

maven-2 maven-plugin

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration

How do I execute a set of goals before my Maven plugin runs?

java maven-2 maven-plugin

Jetty Maven Plugin is ignoring custom webdefault.xml

How to start tomcat using maven in debug mode

maven tomcat maven-plugin

Running a maven plugin only in the parent

maven maven-plugin pom.xml

Use Maven to trigger a wsgen & wsimport in a row, using wsdlLocation

Maven plugin to restrict specific packages from being used

What's the difference between mvn:deploy and mvn:install commands?

maven-2 maven maven-plugin

How to read maven settings in .m2/settings.xml file from plugin

java maven maven-plugin

Download single/latest asset(JAR) from Nexus3

Best way to access the runtime configuration of a maven plugin from a custom mojo?

maven-2 maven-plugin