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jspm does not transpile code from ES6 to ES5

Why use transpilers/shims when ES6 is more supported in Chrome and other Browsers anyway? [duplicate]

es6 import var not defined in code importing

ecmascript-6 traceur

How can I compile ES6 code to ES5 for the browser?

Is it possible to use source maps with Traceur used directly from the page?

javascript traceur

React and ES6 inheritance

JavaScript ES6 modules + traceur

To what extent does Traceur compile to IE8 compatible Javascript?

Maven Plugin which transpiles ES6 to ES5 which uses Traceur or Babel

angularjs http interceptor class (ES6) loses binding to 'this'

Should I use Traceur instead of Typescript to target ES5 but be ready for ES6

typescript traceur

Override a setter, and the getter must also be overridden

How to mock dependencies for unit tests with ES6 Modules

ECMAScript 6: what is WeakSet for?

Nested ES6 classes?

How to implement private method in ES6 class with Traceur [duplicate]

Get the class name of ES6 class instance