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New posts in maven-3

increase IntelliJ java heap size

maven can't find archetype in my repository

How to install maven to mac using terminal without using brew [duplicate]

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Spring Boot Maven Plugin not creating executable jar

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IntelliJ integration test folder alongside main and test

How to get a Maven plugin to run before Dependency Resolution

Cobertura code coverage is 0% when using Maven 3

java maven-3 pom.xml cobertura

Failed to execute goal com.spotify:docker-maven-plugin:0.4.3:build Exception caught: HttpHostConnectException: Connect to localhost:2375

Bouncy castle security provider doesn't load under Java 11/12

Maven 3 parallel builds profile

maven maven-3

What is the replacement for MavenProjectBuilder which is deprecated in maven 3?

maven-plugin maven-3

Maven repository lookup order

JUnit optional/required tests

In maven, how to override plugin configuration in settings.xml

maven maven-3 maven-plugin

Maven 3 dependency resolution fails until maven-metadata-local.xml files are deleted [maven-invoker-plugin related]

maven 3 javadoc plugin doesn't take the excludepackagename config

Ignore a module during maven test build for multi module maven project [duplicate]

java maven maven-3