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New posts in markdown

Using Markdown with Rails

Markdown to convert double asterisks to bold text in javascript

markdown - how do I display HTML?


Is Markdown (with strip_tags) sufficient to stop XSS attacks?

php mysql xss markdown

pandoc not converting latex style citations correctly

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How to convert existing redmine wiki from textile to markdown?

ruby markdown redmine textile

Flutter: flutter_markdown fontSize

flutter markdown

How can I link to a Markdown section of my Bitbucket README?

git github markdown bitbucket

Is there a Github markdown language identifier for Swift code?

swift github markdown

Publishing from R+knitr to WordPress?

wordpress r markdown knitr

Highlight specific line in markdown

github markdown

Using python together with knitr

python r markdown knitr

Display interactive plotly chart (.html file) on GitHub Pages

How do I insert a block quote within a paragraph using Pandoc? [closed]

latex markdown pandoc

How can I convert markdown to html (should i use an existing script)? [closed]

php html markdown

Github: Wiki page title from markup not filename/web client

python: doctest my github-markdown files?

How to do cell vertical alignment in markdown/pandoc table?

markdown pandoc