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New posts in makefile

What does the symbol pipe '|' means in a Makefile

makefile openwrt

Makefile: shell function in lazy variable is not lazy


cmake/make (OBJECT) dependency issue--not rebuilding when header changes

c++ makefile cmake

Conditional Dependencies in GNU Make

Argument list too long when linking with GNU Make

How to run "make" command in gitbash in windows?

bash shell makefile git-bash

Makefile in Windows

c windows makefile

Makefile: ifeq directive compares special variable to constant does not work

How to use pattern-dependent variables in dependencies in make pattern rules

makefile gnu-make

Workaround for GNU Make 3.80 eval bug

makefile eval gnu-make

How to match occurance of word in list in makefile


Can a Makefile target invoke commands even if a prerequisite fails?

makefile gnu-make

prevent compiling from generating dSYM on OS X (using make)

c++ macos makefile

Package gtk-engines-2 was not found in the pkg-config search path

c opencv makefile

Using vim's make command with a makefile that runs make on subdirectories

vim makefile

QtWebKit dependency missing from qmake generated Makefile

Makefile variable substitution apparently not done even though := is used in declaration

Error when compiling: ::strcmp has not been declared

linux makefile

How to print only output and not the command-line on terminal in makefile?

linux makefile

Ubuntu LDFLAGS --as-needed
