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Makefile in Windows

I have a folder named 'X'. In X I have two subfolders: src and include.

The src folder contains a C file main.c, and the include folder contains a file main.h.

I want to write a makefile to build these files(from folder X) in windows command prompt. I have tried a lot but with no effect. First of all I need the make file format in Linux for this, and once I have that i will do that in Windows.

Can anybody help me in doing this?

like image 935
Renjith G Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 17:03

Renjith G

2 Answers

Try the following links, in there you'll find the format, and basically all that you need to build your Makefile:




like image 131
Gal Goldman Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 06:03

Gal Goldman

Once you've made your Makefile, you can use MinGW's mingw32-make - A Windows native build of GNU make.

like image 34
Nick Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 08:03
