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MAIN subroutine

How do I make main a friend of my class? [closed]

c++ main friend

How to return a value from Python script as a Bash variable?

python bash return-value main

When do I need a function to run before or after main()?

c gcc main

Optimize without sacrificing usual workflow: arguments, POD etc

Redefinition of main

c main

Does C++ for arduino follow the standard?

Twisted clients within pygame mainloop?

How do you know whether main has exited?

Reallocation of argv

c main argv

Making an Agda program output to the console

io main agda

jasypt in cmd: cannot find main class

Where does the OS store argv and argc when a child process is executed?

What is the difference between main function and the runApp() function in Flutter?

flutter main run-app

Java: Passing combination of named and unnamed parameters to executable jar/main method

java arguments main

How to fix an Uncommented main method?

What is the idea behind private attribute access inside main? Java x C++

java c++ encapsulation main

Java Applet runs without a main method?

java applet main

Why is the main() function not defined inside the if '__main__'?

python main

Does the main-function in Haskell always start with main = do?

haskell main do-notation