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New posts in log4net

Log4Net creating empty log files, not actually logging

c# log4net

log4net.ext.json - optional properties

json log4net

ETW tracking from .net, user mode and driver

log4net: Creating a logger dynamically, should I worry about anything?

c# .net logging log4net

what is the log4net pattern to get the equivalent of Trace.indent and trace.unindent

c# vb.net c#-4.0 log4j log4net

Dependency reference issues in VS2012 on Windows 8

Is there a way in Log4Net or NLog (or some other logger) to output logs in an execution-stack-nested XML or JSON format?

Why isn't ConsoleAppender configured in app.config causing logs to write to the console?

c# .net log4net

Is there a way to move old log files, from a log4net RollingLogFileAppender into a different folder?

c# .net log4net

Using .NET Trace and then NLog or log4net etc, as a listener

log4net GlobalContext.Properties set only once

c# log4net

Configuring log4net in unit tests to log to console and display proper date and time

log4net RollingFileAppender spewing tons of logs, maxSizeRollBackups has no effect

Can I redirect output from a C DLL into my c# log4net output

c# c++ c dll log4net

Log all exception information for any kind of exception

log4net.Ext.Json custom properties not appearing in json

json log4net

How to setup log4net so that it works on a wcf service?

c# log4net

How to stack up log messages and log them just when an exception occurs?

c# logging log4net nlog

Ninject.Extensions.Logging.Log4net unexpected behavior

Why wont my log4net log entries show up in Chainsaw on Windows 7