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New posts in log4net

Using LogManager.GetLogger with Unity

log4net unity-container

Can't get Log4Net to work in my ASP.NET website :(

I cannot make log4net work in my web application :(

.net asp.net logging log4net

How to parse log4net log-files?

.net parsing logging log4net

C# WebApp log4net partial trust (High or Medium) not working

Log4Net: How to get Logger?

c# logging log4net

Best practices for creating a logger library using log4net. Is

Where are the log4net Log files?

c# log4net

Process Id not coming in log4net log file name

c# log4net

Check whether log4net XmlConfigurator succeeded

.net log4net

Log4Net, ThreadContext, and Global.asax

Log4Net can't find %username property when I name the file in my appender

.net log4net

Is log4net.GlobalContext.Properties different per request?

log4net: Error on loading custom appender

log4net appender

C# Log4Net - dynamically change log directory programmatically

Using log4net as a logging mechanism for SSIS?

log4net ssis

How to log to separate log file per thread using log4net