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New posts in log4net

Log levels: Would you consider DEBUG finer than TRACE?

SmtpAppender log4net using gmail smtp

How should LoggerSource be used in DNN 7+?

How to set log4net SmtpAppender sender name in .config file

c# smtp log4net

How do I use the log4net aspnet-request conversion pattern to output all keys and values?


Using Log4Net in multithreaded environment

c# log4net

Log file not created?

Discarding several log levels within a range with log4net


log4net waits until app pool recycle before logging to mssql2008 database


Log4Net not writing to SQL Table

Log4net appenders always empty

log4net: writing a header to each rollover log segment

c# .net logging log4net

Change log4net config to create every x hour new log

.net logging log4net

I'd like to use the Topshelf instance name as part of the log4net log file name

log4net topshelf

Why have named logger in Log4Net?

Why is my Windows Service not logging until the service is restarted

Configure log4net RollingFileAppender in code rolling once per application start

c# .net log4net

I am getting "Cannot serialized the aspects: Type 'log4net.Core.LogImpl' in assembly 'log4net...'" -how can I make it serializable?

c# .net log4net postsharp

Log4Net in App object?

wpf log4net

Need to open file I log to but get file locked exception

c# log4net