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New posts in log4net

Log4net duplicate entries when only one (root) logger is used

Fall creators update performance issues

log4net won't write to the visual web developer console

console log4net appender

log4Net eventlog permissions issue using non-administrator account

iis-7 log4net event-log

Log4net generating wrong log file name

c# .net configuration log4net

common.logging - Redirect found in application configuration file

DateTimeOffset in Log4Net

log4net datetimeoffset

Achieving coloured logs using Log4net

c# selenium log4net

How to create custom level in log4net?


Log4net with azure application insights

ASP.NET MVC app restarts itself

How to enable/disable logging and file appenders information stored in config via code?

C# solutions : using one "Globals" project for external dll's?

c# log4net

How to stop log4net from writing to two separate files

How can I tell log4net which appender to use from app.config

Will nHibernate ShowSql have any effect on a live system?

How do I configure a log4net SmtpAppender to only send me e-mails when a certain level is hit?

logging log4j log4net

C# Application can't read/write to files created by administrator when run in limited user account XP

Unable to set property [lockingModel] on object [log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender] using value [MinimalLock]

Can Log4net have multiple appenders write to the same file?

asp.net log4net web-config