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New posts in log4net

Internal logs for Castle Windsor

log4net creates log file but does not write to it

Log4Net C# logging issue with multi-thread code execution

OWIN interferes with log4net

Log4net not logging exception

c# log4net

Conflict between Log4Net's ThreadContext and Task

Is there an SNMP appender for log4net?

log4net snmp

Custom log4net property PatternLayoutConverter (with index)

logging log4net nlog

Will log4net ever hangs the application?


log4net cant create log file , when publish to server

c# asp.net iis log4net publish

is there any thing like ELMAH axd for log4net to monitor logs? [closed]

asp.net log4net elmah

Trying to get log4net working with PowerShell (with a log4net config file in the mix)

log4net - Custom property logging

How do I make log4net.dll optional?

c# log4net

log4net - getting appenders specific to only one logger

Create a strongly typed log4net level from a string

c# log4net

log4net, can 2 applications write to the same log file?


ASP.Net MVC Exception Logging combined with Error Handling

Log4Net - Logging out the Exception stacktrace only for certain files

How do I configure a RollingFileAppender to roll by date and size with log4net?