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New posts in log4net

Console App with Log4Net compiles in Debug but not in Release mode

WorkerRole log4net Trace appender logs not appearing in output window

Minimizing log statements in production

c# logging log4net

How to stop log4net from logging and release the last file

c# winforms log4net

Log4Net log showing up in console window

#if(DEBUG) and log4net line number source/runtime mismatch

Creating a different log4net.ILog instance for each appender

c# asp.net .net log4net appender

What log4net pattern provides for filename without the full path

log4net using ThreadContext.Properties in wcf PerSession service

wcf log4net

How to organize centralized logging?

c# logging log4net nlog

How to initialize log4net before the log file is created?

Log4net preserveLogFileNameExtension not working

Configure Microsoft.Owin.Logging.ILogger

c# logging log4net owin

logging/error handling inside a custom log4net appender

log4net log4net-appender

SmtpAppender missing in log4net 2.0.8 nuget?

Initialize log4net without xml file

c# .net-core log4net

Can Log4Net Delete Log Files Automatically? [duplicate]

c# .net logging log4j log4net

WCF logging/tracing and activity id propagation using log4net or NLog

How to log stack trace using log4net (C#)

c# log4net

Failed obtaining configuration for Common.Logging from configuration section 'common/logging'

c# log4net common.logging