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New posts in local-variables

How to add event handler to local variable in VB.NET

NameError: undefined - have parsing rules for local variables changed in Ruby 2.1.2?

Scope of final local variable in java

Is there a performance hit of replacing local variables with arguments in Javascript?

Can another thread see partially created collection when using collection initializer?

How to conditionally declare a local variable based on a template argument?

Table variable and exec

tsql exec local-variables

Output buffering vs. storing content into variable in PHP

C++ local variables and threads (not thread_local)

Why are local variables not declared final in most open source java projects?

java final local-variables

passing a local variable to thread. is it possible?

In java codes, what is the purpose that of declaring a local reference to refer member to do further things? [duplicate]

findbugs complains about Eclipse's auto-generated code

"Java concurrency in practice" - cached thread-safe number factorizer (Listing 2.8)

Difference between return value and local variable

Can Byte Buddy access local variable name of a method?

What is the purpose of using a local variable to hold a global one?

Ruby: method inexplicably overwritten and set to nil

ruby local-variables

Will member subobjects of local variables be moved too if returned from a function?

Should you only use local variables in a partial?