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LINQ count in group from join

linq linq-to-entities

Entity Framework, MVC 3, OrderBy in LINQ To Entities

How to write LINQ IN clause query which will work as LIKE operator as well?

Linq2Entites Count() with condition on bool not working as "I thought it would"?

Member is "not supported in LINQ to Entities"

Linq to Entities DateTime Conversion

Left Outer Join via Linq To Entities via Entity Framework with Where clause

Prevent NULL checks in LINQ to Entity Joins

Will passing `this` inside of a `.Where` clause's predicate cause it to mutate?

On local PC IIS and Browser maxes out CPU with large result set

When selecting an anonymous type with LINQ from EF, is there no way to run a method on an object as you select it?

Is LINQ to Dataset subset of LINQ to EF or these two are independent?

what possible workarounds are there for "only parameterless constructors are support in Linq to Entites"

How to get a group ordered by the count column

How to write SQL IsNull() in Linq? [duplicate]

LINQ where in List [duplicate]

Chain together multiple complex WHERE clauses in LINQ to SQL

LINQ to Entities error using SequenceEqual enumerable method

How to compare two GUIDs in Linq to Entities

linq-to-entities guid

Linq to Entities SqlFunctions.DatePart

c# linq-to-entities