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New posts in linear-algebra

Convert adjacency matrix to a distance or hop matrix

Hyperplane defined by n points

c++ math linear-algebra

Performance/standard using 1d vs 2d vectors in numpy

Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: The Alternating Least Squares Method

Cholesky factor differentiation in TensorFlow

Matlab adding rows and columns elegantly

Homography to Projective transform

How to implement a left matrix division on C++ using gsl

C# Algebra Linear Library

Use fundamental matrix to compute coordinates translation using OpenCV

Computing the Fiedler Vector in Python

python numpy linear-algebra

R right matrix division

How to convert Parametric equation to Cartesian form

Issues using the scipy.sparse.linalg linear system solvers

Why does tf.matmul(a,b, transpose_b=True) work, but not tf.matmul(a, tf.transpose(b))?

How to change elements in sparse matrix in Python's SciPy?

Fastest way to compute k largest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors with numpy

Convolution along one axis only

Implementing faster python inner product with BLAS

What does data.norm() < 1000 do in PyTorch?