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New posts in matrix-factorization

Is there good library to do nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) fast? [closed]

Perform nonnegative matrix factorization in R

Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: The Alternating Least Squares Method

Very Large and Very Sparse Non Negative Matrix factorization

batch CUDA solution of sparse banded Ax=b for various b's

Fast non-negative matrix factorization on large sparse matrix

Apache Spark ALS collaborative filtering results. They don't make sense

Correct use of pivot in Cholesky decomposition of positive semi-definite matrix

Write a trackable R function that mimics LAPACK's dgetrf for LU factorization

Solve linear equation system by given LU decomposition and vector of constants

Recommendation system with matrix factorization for huge data gives MemoryError

How to deal with missing values in python scikit NMF

How to score all user-product combinations in Spark MatrixFactorizationModel?

Vowpal Wabbit: Low-rank matrix factorization?

Evaluating the LightFM Recommendation Model

`Optimal` variable initialization and learning rate in Tensorflow for matrix factorization

Sympy: Solving Matrices in a finite field

sklearn matrix factorization example