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New posts in licensing

reduce my app cracking (cocoafob) [closed]

cocoa licensing cracking

Difference between EULA and a license [closed]


What are the different licenses available in GitHub Android library?

android github licensing

AppLicensing fails - signature is empty string

Can I distribute my MATLAB program as open source? [closed]

IntelliJ IDEA, Community or Ultimate version? [closed]

WrapBootstrap templates license explained [closed]


Android ADB redistribution [closed]

A GUI wrapper around a GPL CLI application, is it a derivative? [closed]

licensing gpl

Are there any laws that govern the use of code that lacks a license? [closed]


C++ API : license management to protect a software [closed]

c++ api licensing

Verifying license information without a boolean check? [closed]

c# asp.net-mvc licensing

Open Source non distribution licence [closed]

open-source licensing

Where should I store license data locally? [closed]

delphi licensing protection

Can we redistribute Oracle tools.jar? [closed]

java oracle licensing

C# Application License Components and Controls [closed]

License of fonts included with Windows? [closed]

windows fonts licensing eula

Licenses for packagegroups and images on Yocto

licensing yocto

How should my Cocoa application store the user's license key? [closed]

objective-c cocoa licensing

when does a software become "proprietary"? [closed]
