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New posts in libxml2

LibXML2.dylib and Xcode4

How do I return '' for an empty node's text() in XPath?

xpath libxml2

How can libxml2 be used to parse data from XML?

c xml parsing libxml2

Perl XML::LibXML: findnode vs. findvalue vs. find - what's the difference?

perl xpath libxml2

Does libxml2 support XPath 2.0 or not?

Ubuntu Eclipse libxml2 error : fatal error: libxml/xmlversion.h: No such file or directory

c++ eclipse libxml2

Fail to install lxml in MacOS 10.8.4

python macos lxml libxml2

Why does this XML validation via XSD fail in libxml2 (but succeed in xmllint) and how do I fix it?

c xml macos xsd libxml2

iPhone libxml2 not found during build

iphone xcode libxml2

libxml2 missing for nokogiri gem on Windows 8 x64 with Ruby 1.9.3

libxml2 error with namespaces and xpath

c xml xpath namespaces libxml2

libxml-ruby: Failed to build gem native extension

How do you use the --pattern option of xmllint?

xpath libxml2

How can I tell what version of libxml2 and libxslt are installed on OS X?

macos libxml2 libxslt

libxml2 xmlChar* cast to char*

c++ casting libxml2

Can't install Nokogiri gem, "libxml/parser.h" not found, but its there, why?

ruby gem nokogiri libxml2

simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/user-bundle/Resources/config/doctrine/model/User.orm.xml

Compiler can't find libxml/parser.h

xmllint validation error "no DTD found" while using XSD

iPhone libxml2 undefined symbols (with gdata, kissxml, touchxml, etc.)