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New posts in libavcodec

libavcodec/libx264 do not produce B-frames

raw h.264 bitstream decoding

ffmpeg h.264 libavcodec libav

Convert raw image buffer into JPEG using LIBAVCODEC

Reliably get PTS values in ffmpeg?

How to find SPS and PPS string in H264 codec from mp4

libavcodec get video duration and framerate

Correct RGB values for AVFrame

Encoding RGB frames using x264 and AVCodec in C

c ffmpeg rgb libavcodec x264

Files created with a direct stream copy using FFmpeg's libavformat API play back too fast at 3600 fps

How to decode AAC using avcodec_decode_audio4?

ffmpeg/libavcodec memory management

Encode buffer captured by OpenGL in C

c opengl ffmpeg h.264 libavcodec

Why decoding frames from avi container and encode them to h264/mp4 doesn't work?

How to choose between openH264 and x264 decoder

ffmpeg libavcodec

Unmet dependency when installing vlc on ubuntu 14.04