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New posts in libx264

libavcodec/libx264 do not produce B-frames

What is the difference between libx264 and h264_nvenc?

ffmpeg h.264 libx264

GStreamer x264enc not found

ubuntu x264 libx264 gstreamer

libx264 encode error Input picture width (40) is greater than stride (0)

How to encode H.264 video using FFmpeg C API and then open the output with a media player?

c++ c ffmpeg h.264 libx264

Compiling x264 on a Mac: "No working C compiler found" and "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: command not found"

What is the difference between H.264 and x.264?

h.264 x264 libx264

FFMPEG on cygwin failed to compile libx264 error: unknown type name ‘HMODULE’

ffmpeg cygwin libx264

How to resolve "ERROR: libx264 not found"?

FPS too high when saving video in mp4 container

Live555: X264 Stream Live source based on "testOnDemandRTSPServer"

c++ stream live555 libx264

Creating a video from images using ffmpeg libav and libx264?

streaming H.264 over RTP with libavformat

Encoding H.264 CBR videos with FFmpeg

ffmpeg h.264 libx264

Encoding for fastest decoding with ffmpeg

ffmpeg libx264

Why sliced thread affect so much on realtime encoding using ffmpeg x264?

encoding ffmpeg libx264