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New posts in libav

raw h.264 bitstream decoding

ffmpeg h.264 libavcodec libav

How do I encode KLV packets to an H.264 video using libav*

c++ ffmpeg h.264 libav

ffmpeg Resource temporarily unavailable

c ffmpeg libav opus

Correct RGB values for AVFrame

Files created with a direct stream copy using FFmpeg's libavformat API play back too fast at 3600 fps

Muxing AVPackets into mp4 file

c++ video ffmpeg mp4 libav

How to decode AAC using avcodec_decode_audio4?

Ffmpeg, avconv and sameq

Streaming audio and video in sync for mp4 container using Gstreamer framework

Cleaning up after av_frame_get_buffer

c++ ffmpeg libav

Segmentation fault while avcodec_encode_video2

c++ libav

ffmpeg/libavcodec memory management

Linker error when unit testing: ld: illegal text-relocation to cstring in ... from _av_image_check_size in .../libavutil.a(imgutils.o)

How to output raw frequency (fft) data using ffmpeg / libavfilter

audio ffmpeg libav libavcodec

Unrecognized option 'filter_complex' using avconv


What is the difference between AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P and AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16?

audio ffmpeg transcoding libav