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How to speed up libjpeg decompression

Is there any free or commercal jpeg decode which is really fast [closed]

c++ jpeg performance decoder

How to use MediaCodec class to decode H.264 streams

android video h.264 decoder

How to decode AAC using avcodec_decode_audio4?

Potential Bug with JSON Decoder Swift

ios json swift encoder decoder

ASN1 UTF-8 string Decoding

ISO 3779 vehicle VIN decoder in PHP?

php decoder vin

C++ Cross Platform MP3 Decoder?

c++ gcc mp3 decoder

C++ - Incorrect ASCII value ("ë")

c++ png ascii decoder

Modifying motion vectors in ffmpeg H.264 decoder

Fastest way to draw a MediaCodec-decoded video frame to screen?

pdf417 Javascript Reading / Decoding

How to save SurfaceTexture as bitmap

Record and playback with Opus Codec in Android

Custom Dictionary Encoder & Decoder for the Codable protocol in Swift 4

Exoplayer throws Decoder initialisation exception for large mp4 files in android

android decoder exoplayer