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New posts in avconv

avconv mp4 to webm libvorbis buffer overflow

video mp4 webm avconv vorbis

Using avconv to get a single frame from h264 video at set time

Ffmpeg, avconv and sameq

how to Concatenate mp4 or mkv files using avconv

concatenation avconv

convert animated gif to video on linux server while preserving frame rate

Infinite stream from a video file (in a loop)

avconv : flac to ogg conversion with metadata kept

Wildcard for sequential images

ffmpeg jpeg avconv

Unable to install avconv/libav

Can I create a VFR video from timestamped images?

avconv: getting aac to work. -strict experimental doesn't work

aac avconv

Reduce HLS latency from +30 seconds

Convert PNGs to webm video with transparency

video ffmpeg webm avconv

avconv complains "non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream" when piping from libx264 on 14.04

Convert from .mov to .mp4 (or h264) using avconv

mp4 mov avconv

Converting DVD image with subtitles to MKV using avconv

ffmpeg dvd mkv avconv

avconv: make a video from a subset on images

ubuntu video avconv