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New posts in latex

In R Markdown, create header/footer on every page regardless of output type (pdf, html, docx)

r latex yaml r-markdown pandoc

How do I correctly insert an image/figure and have the text "flow around" the image/figure in latex?


LaTeX Page Size --- how do I produce a page that is "just big enough"?

math latex tex page-size

Can MathJax be made to only convert LaTeX if it's inside a certain tag?

javascript latex mathjax

Changing git conflict markers

git merge latex git-merge

How to end a header 3 box in rmarkdown beamer madrid presentation?

r latex knitr r-markdown beamer

How to disable latex in doxygen config

latex doxygen

How to get list of packages used in a knitr .Rnw document?

r latex knitr

Create own BibTeX style or customize existing one?

Rowcolor on a multirow tabular in LaTeX

latex colors pdflatex multirow

Automatically capitalize first letter of first word in a new sentence in LaTeX

Wrapping text around a figure in LaTeX


make LaTeX draw a \hline between each line in tabular without using \hline? [closed]


What is the R markdown equivalent to LaTeX \texttt?

r latex markdown

How to justify (to both sides) text in R Markdown when knitting in pdf output

r latex r-markdown

Latex's verbatim: how to indent every instance?


Convert tables in rst to LaTeX

latex python-sphinx

I was wondering how to create several rows in a box using the fbox command in latex


Need to change section to Roman, but keep Arabic for for subsection and subsubsection

latex roman-numerals

matlab export plot to vector format