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New posts in last-modified

Is it possible to get last modified date from an assets file?

Get file mtime with millisecond resolution from Java

java file last-modified

How does maven compile only the modified java files?

VBA - How to get the last modified file or folder in a directory in Excel 2010

How do I get the last modification time of a Java resource?

Android ContactsContract: Last Modified Time

Get last modified time of file in linux

(Weak) ETags and Last-Modified

Get modification date for NSManagedObject in Core Data?

formatted modified date/time of file on mac bash?

Retrieve file creation or modification date

How to check if directory contents has changed with PHP?

How do I find the last modified file in a directory in Java?

java file-io last-modified

Is there a way to touch() a file in Amazon S3?

Which one to use : Expire Header, Last Modified Header or ETags

How can I set the last modified time of a file from python?

python unix last-modified

How to get File Created Date and Modified Date [duplicate]

What takes precedence: the ETag or Last-Modified HTTP header?

Check last modified date of file in C#

c# windows file last-modified

How to find the most recent file in a directory using .NET, and without looping?

c# .net file loops last-modified