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New posts in language-agnostic

Does unary minus just change sign?

What are some other languages that support "partial specialization"?

Which data clustering algorithm is appropriate to detect an unknown number of clusters in a time series of events?

Uses of self referencing lists

Best self-balancing BST for quick insertion of a large number of nodes

Any statistics out there on commonly mistyped keys?

finding smallest scale factor to get each number within one tenth of a whole number from a set of doubles

What's a good explanation of statistical machine translation?

Algorithmic issue: determining "user sessions"

Online algorithm for calculating absolute deviation

RFC3986 - which pchars need to be percent-encoded?

How does a copying garbage collector ensure objects are not accessed while copied?

How to do a presentation for your co-workers containing lots of code? [closed]

A two way minimum spanning tree of a directed graph

Wrapping 2D perlin noise

How for( ; ;) is infinite loop? [duplicate]

Redundancy vs dependencies: which is worse?


An algorithm to find a pair of sums from a list of numbers?

Sorting a poset?

What is a better algorithm than brute force to separate items in overlapping categories?