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How does a copying garbage collector ensure objects are not accessed while copied?

On collection, the garbage collector copies all live objects into another memory space, thus discarding all garbage objects in the process. A forward pointer to the copied object in new space is installed into the 'old' version of an object to ensure the collector updates all remaining references to the object correctly and doesn't erroneously copy the same object twice.

This obviously works quite well for stop-the-world-collectors. However, since pause times are long with stop-the-world, nowadays most garbage collectors allow the mutator threads to run concurrently with the collector, only stopping the mutators for a short time to do the initial stack scan.

So how can the collector ensure that the 'old' version of an object is not accessed by the mutator while/after copying it? I imagine the mutators could check for the forward pointer with some sort of read barrier, however this seems to costly to me since variables are read so often.

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Askaga Avatar asked Jan 21 '13 09:01


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How does the garbage collector know if an object can be collected?

An object is eligible to be garbage collected if its reference variable is lost from the program during execution. Sometimes they are also called unreachable objects.

How garbage collector knows that the object is not in use and needs to be removed?

When the garbage collector performs a collection, it releases the memory for objects that are no longer being used by the application. It determines which objects are no longer being used by examining the application's roots.

How does a garbage collector work?

When an object is no longer used, the garbage collector reclaims the underlying memory and reuses it for future object allocation. This means there is no explicit deletion and no memory is given back to the operating system.

What is copying garbage collector?

Garbage collection is performed by copying live objects from one semispace (the from-space) to the other (the to-space), which then becomes the new heap. The entire old heap is then discarded in one piece. It is an improvement on the previous stop and copy technique.

1 Answers

The Loaded Value Barrier implemented in Azul's Generational Pauseless Garbage Collector is an example of a solution to this problem. You can read about it in the article The Azul Garbage Collector posted on InfoQ in early 2011.

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Jan Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09
