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New posts in rfc3986

Java URL Class getPath(), getQuery() and getFile() inconsistent with RFC3986 URI Syntax

java url url-parsing rfc3986

Why is http:///example.org (with triple slash) treated as a valid URL by Firefox and webkit?

http firefox webkit uri rfc3986

What kind of URL is not conforming to RFC 3986 but is conforming to RFC 1808, RFC 1738, and RFC 2732?

What does 'case insensitive' mean in RFC 3986 with respect to non-English characters?

utf-8 uri rfc3986 ucs

Is question mark in URL part of query string?

.Net Uri Encoding RFC 2396 vs RFC 3986

Resolving relative URLs in JavaScript

javascript html url rfc3986

RFC3986 - which pchars need to be percent-encoded?

When, if ever, should characters like { and } (curly braces) be percent-encoded in URLs?

Is Java's URI.resolve incompatible with RFC 3986 when the relative URI contains an empty path?

Java and RFC 3986 URI encoding

java uri encode rfc3986

Can HTTP URIs have non-ASCII characters?

http unicode isapi rfc3986

What is the semicolon reserved for in URLs?

url uri character rfc3986

'+' (plus sign) not encoded with RestTemplate using String url, but interpreted as ' ' (space)

Is a URL with // in the path-section valid?

Which characters make a URL invalid?

validation url rfc3986

What is the difference between a URI, a URL and a URN?

http url uri urn rfc3986