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Taking code and design from other Websites. Ripoff or Standard?


Development Cost of Procedural Programming vs. OOP?

Check if two arrays are cyclic permutations

Poor man's authentication algorithm?

What would be a globally accepted regular expression to match e-mail addresses

How to find the units digit of a certain power in a simplest way

Can a language be turing complete but incomplete in other ways?

Should I prepare my code for future changes? [closed]


What optimizations are OK to do right away?

What's the purpose of the empty string?

How do you refactor a class that is constantly being edited?

How does the verbosity of identifiers affect the performance of a programmer?

What's So Good About Recursion? [duplicate]

'throw' of exception caught locally. Why is this bad? [duplicate]

Binary file layout reference [closed]

How to implement a safe Facebook login/register/connect web service for a mobile application?

How do I visualize audio data?

can it be solved in linear time, did this in n^2 time

How to check if a box fits into another box (any rotations allowed)