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New posts in language-agnostic

3D reconstruction -- How to create 3D model from 2D image?

Should I ever use continue inside a switch statement?

When a method has too many parameters? [closed]

What are some advanced software development topics every developer should know? [closed]


What is a "serialized" object in programming? [duplicate]

How do the protocols of real time strategy games such as Starcraft and Age of Empires look? [closed]

Is there any difference between using multiple if statements and else if statements?

How to restrain one's self from the overwhelming urge to rewrite everything?


What's the term for the part of the URL after the question mark?

Is TDD overkill for small projects?

What do "transparent" and "opaque" mean when applied to programming concepts?

Greatest product of five consecutive digits in a 1000-digit number


"Approximate" greatest common divisor

Solving the NP-complete problem in XKCD

How to improve your reading and understanding of code? [closed]


Suggestions on starting a child programming [closed]

Why don't I see pipe operators in most high-level languages?

Create your own MD5 collisions

Why does division by zero in IEEE754 standard results in Infinite value?

What algorithm to use to determine minimum number of actions required to get the system to "Zero" state?