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Possible to send Python code to RStudio console from knitr chunk like normal R code?

python r rstudio knitr sympy

knitr Rmd to md and the YAML header

r knitr

Python syntax highlighting in LaTeX in Rstudio with knitR

python r rstudio knitr

Interleaving tables and plots in R Markdown, within loop

r loops knitr r-markdown

How can I import python packages using knit r?

r knitr

Add X-UA-Compatible in rmarkdown html output

r knitr r-markdown pandoc

Inline code format with knitr and .Rnw

r knitr sweave

How to automate nested sections in Rmds which include text, maps and tables

r leaflet r-markdown knitr

! Undefined control sequence. with R/Rmarkdown/knitr

knitr: how to set package options depending on output type

r knitr

reference knitr chunk in R markdown

r markdown knitr pandoc

Update posts using knit2wp

r wordpress markdown knitr

Adding ggvis plot in RMarkdown document makes knitr::kable output render incorrectly

r knitr rstudio r-markdown ggvis

How to produce markdown document for each row of dataframe in R

r knitr

Output R loop content and output in knitr html

knitr: Retrieving the figure caption inside a r chunk

r knitr r-markdown

How to convert Lyx knitr to R markdown

r knitr lyx

How to force rstudio/knitr/rmarkdown to use alternative pandoc binary (scholdoc)

Get each line of code in a code chunk to be shown in the 'R Markdown' window as it is executed

r rstudio knitr

Can Sweave produce many pdfs automatically?

r sweave knitr