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How to start new line after paragraph title in Lyx?

Latex: Convert "Comment" into "Marginal Note"

latex comments lyx

How to convert Lyx knitr to R markdown

r knitr lyx

Writing Formula Sheets (Cheat Sheet) in LyX / LaTeX

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How to setup R with LyX?

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Error with R function using Knitr in Lyx

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Display frame around an expression in LyX (/LaTeX)

latex lyx

subscript for a join (\bowtie) operation in LyX/LaTeX

Has anyone tried literate programming for C#, with Lyx and noweb

Synonym suggestion in LyX

synonym lyx

How to vertically align multiple tables or graphics in Lyx


What are the .lyx~ files for?


How to get rid of navigation bars in beamer?

Changing the page margin in LyX

margin lyx

How to add a (large) code appendix in LaTeX / LyX?

latex lyx

Insert video clip in a lyx presentation and play it in GNU/Linux

linux video latex lyx

Zed Notation in LyX

knitr installation in Lyx

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Z specifications in LaTeX

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R loses information when saving plot as encapsulated postscript (.eps)

r rstudio lyx